Thursday, May 23, 2013

Why is Oracle updating Java so often? DON'T ASK!

It is time for a class action lawsuit against Oracle for the malware it pushes with its Java updates, and maybe it's time for another lawsuit against Oracle for making Java so insecure that it needs so many updates. If Java is so untrustworty, why is anyone still using it?

Maybe Oracle has another reason for pushing so many updates. Maybe Oracle makes its money by pushing updates!

In fact, Oracle is updating Java so often, not because they are so inept at creating reliable software, but because they get a commision on the malware they push with their updates.

For a long time I resisted allowing Java updates on my computer, but when I needed to run an app that required a current Java version number, I finally gave in, and updated Java.

Suddenly I no longer had a reliable computer.

Oracle damaged my search settings in a way I have not been able to completely repair. By replacing my default search with "Ask," Oracle caused me to spend weeks troubleshooting my settings to figure out why my link between Evernote and Google was failing to produce Evernote results when I used my internet search.

I am recovering from a brain injury. I depend on my computer to work the way I set it up so that I can be productive (to the extent possible). When I allowed Oracle to update Java, I saw their checkbox suggesting I use Ask as my search engine. I was annoyed that they would use a mandatory program update to push software, but I was angry when I realized that the check box was already selected. I unchecked it. Then I clicked the button to proceed. As I clicked the button, I saw that check-mark reappear. I tried to stop it. I closed the browser tab. Then I closed the browser completely. Then I reset my computer.

Nothing I did helped. Oracle pushed that update on my computer in spite of my efforts. After my computer had reset, the first thing I did was to uninstall the Ask taskbar program, before I ever started the browser. Unfortunately, Oracle had still replaced my Google search settings with their own settings making Ask my default search engine. There was a time when I liked that tool, but out of principle, I will NEVER USE ASK, and I ask everyone else not to use it also.

Oracle's malicious practice of replacing user settings that are unrelated to their software should be CRIMINAL. Oracle causes all of this damage to thousands of computer users on a regular basis just because they get a small commission for each copy of "Ask" that they install. It's time to make Oracle pay for the damage they do to so many of us, so often. It is time to make Oracle re-think their strategy, by making their Trojan updates too expensive for them to continue, and while we're at it, we should sue Ask as well.

A close look at how Oracle installs deceptive software with Java updates | ZDNet -

Monday, May 13, 2013


While driving Audra to school this morning, a boy (guessing 15 year-old) walked out onto the road in the middle of the block, right in front of our van. I'm glad it wasn't during one of those moments when I was looking off to the side (of course, I only tend to do that at intersections). I commented "that's illegal." Audra said, I didn't know it was illegal until you told me sometime in Junior High. I asked, do you think he doesn't know that what he did is illegal and dangerous? She said, unless someone points it out to him, maybe not.

I dropped Audra off at the school, watched her until she was in the door, as I always do, and started to head home. Moments after I pulled out onto the road, the SAME KID crossed the street in the middle of the block, directly in front of my car!

Not expecting the school to actually be able to do anything about it, (after all, "a kid in a gray shirt" probably describes half the student population on any given day) I called anyway, and I asked the secretary to "put a bug in the ear" of whoever has authority to make sure these kids are made aware that jaywalking is illegal and dangerous.

I realize my response was probably not effective. Any ideas about how I could have done something positive with this incident?