Today, August 22, 2014, I am posting this final draft of my comment to the FCC about the proposed merger between Comcast and Time-Warner. On August 14th, I published a rough draft for my letter to the FCC regarding the proposed merger. I requested comments and suggestions about how to make my letter more effective. I did not receive any posted comments in reply to my request, but I did receive a couple of private comments, which I considered.
As before, I request that all of you write to the FCC to express your concerns about this merger. The deadline for public comment is Monday, August 25, 2014 (FCC, 2014)
Electronic Filers: Comments may be filed electronically using the Internet by accessing the ECFS:
Paper Filers: Parties who choose to file by paper must file an original and one copy of each filing. Filings may be sent by hand or messenger delivery, by commercial overnight courier, or by first-class or overnight U.S. Postal Service mail. All filings must be addressed to the Commission’s Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission.
All hand-delivered or messenger-delivered paper filings for the Commission’s Secretary must be delivered to FCC Headquarters at 445 12th St., SW, Room TW-A325,
FCC. Federal Communications Commission, (2014). Commission seeks comment on applications of comcast corporation, time warner cable inc., charter communications, inc., and spinco to assign and transfer control of fcc licenses and other authorizations mb docket no. 14-57 (DA 14-986, Docket No. 14-57). Retrieved from website:
This is an open letter, published to my blog at
Comcast's abysmal and consistent nation-wide reputation for poor customer service is evidence of monopolistic behavior. Consequently, I cannot imagine any concessions that could be demanded from Comcast that would eliminate the need for anti-trust action against the company, and I certainly cannot imagine any circumstance that would justify allowing Comcast to grow larger when most rural areas across the country, which account for 87%* of this country's population, already have no alternative for high-speed internet service other than Comcast or Time-Warner.
Many of Comcast's customers have no other company to turn to when faced with the arbitrary and cruel customer service personnel Comcast cultivates with its incentive programs that reward employees for not remedying fraudulent charges.** Comcast is the only realistic provider of internet services in much of the country, and in areas where there are more than one provider, Time-Warner is most commonly the only alternative high-speed internet provider.
While I have no personal experience with Time-Warner, I have read enough negative information about the company over the years to realize the company is second only to Comcast for its reputation for abysmal customer service. A merger between these two juggernauts should not be under consideration at all. Rather, the issue at hand ought to be how to best address abuses by both monopolies.
*13% of the US population live in cities and suburbs with combined populations of 500,000 or more, according to the 2010 census.
** I personally have years of telephone recordings that can document Comcast's consistent malevolent treatment of customers, its disregard for commitments made to customers, and its attempts to "negotiate" out of getting sued for its routine policy of fraudulent treatment of customers, which can also be demonstrated by all of the public recordings of customer interactions with Comcast that can be viewed by anyone on You-Tube and similar public media streams. These recordings also document comments by Comcast customer service that indicate Comcast penalizes customer service representatives for providing refunds, regardless of the validity of claims against Comcast.
See also:
Seven pages of Comcast Customer-uploaded videos of their horrific experiences with Comcast customer service (I have not uploaded any of my own recordings, but I've been storing recordings of these conversations on Evernote for years.)
Similar yet much more vulgar recordings exist for Time-Warner's customer service. Due to the graphic nature of some of those recordings, I chose not to include a link to those recordings.